North Star Hunting Beagles
Yolanda is the pup we chose to keep out of the litter of eight from North Star Tenderfoot Toby and Diamond Queen. She was born on 1/25/11. Yolanda almost 5 years old now and is holding true to her breeding. She has good hunt and search, can find her own rabbit, and can keep the rabbit moving on her own without issues. Yolanda has developed into a very solid hunting dog; I pair her with the younger dogs at times so that they can learn from her. Yolanda has good conformation, we expected that based on her parents, and looks to be a durable hound. We have utilized Yolanda in our breeding program; I currently have one female out of her in the kennel (Zippy). We have been receiving good reports from hunters who purchased pups from the litter Yolanda was in. Eric Bohnenblust has a male (Chase) that he has shot 18 rabbits over running solo his first hunting season. I am attaching a picture of Eric and his male after one of their hunts below.
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